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Tag Archives: Gamble House

The Living Room Desk

THE LIVING ROOM DESK by Elizabeth Harris As I have been leading tours of The Gamble House for years, I have become especially interested in imagining the Gamble family members as they went about their actual lives in this marvelous house with its extraordinary furniture. Desks were vitally important in those days. Just as most of us today use computers and frequently travel with our cell phones and laptops, many …Read More

Gamble House Cookbook History

AN ALMOST DEFINITIVE HISTORY OF GAMBLE HOUSE COOKBOOKS By Barbara Harris Cury, Gamble House History Committee One in a series of History Committee presentations chronicling the evolution and contributions of the Docent Council. When The Gamble House Docent Council went to work in 1966, then as now Docents were eager to pepper their main Docent activities of housekeeping and touring with social occasions to welcome professionals and the community to …Read More

Bookstore with a Capital “B”

Lee Sanders and Docent friends on a 1998 arts and architecture tour of Chicago OUR STORY THROUGH THEIR EYES: LEE SANDERS Making It a Bookstore With a Capital “B” By Bobbi Mapstone, Gamble House History Committee Lee Sanders was destined for a life in art and architecture. His parents, interior designers and antique collectors, greatly influenced his love of historic buildings, antiques, and the decorative arts. His uncle, a devotee …Read More

Friendships For Life

OUR STORY THROUGH THEIR EYES: BETTY ULLNER Fueled by a Passion for Preservation and Friendship By Lynne Mircheff, Gamble House History Committee “It’s just been so much fun!” exclaimed Betty Ullner as she lovingly reminisced about her nearly half-century involvement with The Gamble House. During that time she has volunteered countless hours as a Docent, served as President of the Docent Council, labored tirelessly for numerous committees, and even worked several …Read More

Design Without Compromise

GREENE & GREENE FURNITURE: DESIGN WITHOUT COMPROMISE More labor? It barely registered in the exquisite examples from these brothers. What really mattered: Integrity, Beauty, and Utility by Darrell Peart & Ted Bosley for American Period Furniture Magazine Reprinted with permission Society of American Period Furniture Makers Greene & Greene furniture holds a unique place in the history of American woodworking. It marked a high point in the American Arts and …Read More