Greene & Greene Virtual Archives
All Saints Episcopal Church Rectory
Pasadena, California, 1902
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All Saints Episcopal Church Rectory
Pasadena, California

All Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena commissioned a new rectory from Greene & Greene in 1902. The two-story, nine-room house next to the church (designed by Ernest Coxhead in 1889) was a simplified version of English Arts and Crafts, designed to harmonize with the English architect's church. A broad brick terrace on the south side of the house faced the church and gave access to the wide principal entrance door of glass crossed with broad mullions. The rectory featured such Arts and Crafts details as a quaint wood-framed porch lantern mounted on a post at the corner of the terrace and showing the house number in leaded glass and a newel post lantern in the entry hall.

In the previous year, Henry Greene had donated his plans for alterations to Coxhead's chancel. During 1902 Greene & Greene prepared plans for interior alterations to accommodate the installation of Tiffany windows. The alterations to the chancel were carried out, a ventilation system was installed, the Craven Memorial window was moved and alterations were made to the roof. Both the rectory and the church were demolished to make way for a new church, completed in 1926, and parish hall, completed in 1931.