In most cases you will be able to obtain copies
and reproductions of original material directly from the individual
repositories. For some images, the copyright holder's written
permission is required prior to the reproduction of certain
types of materials. Written permission must also precede any
photographic reproduction. In these instances, curators at
each repository will be able to help you. General copyright
policy is available in the Copyright
section of this website and contact information is available
below, in the About:
Participating Institutions and in the Help
section of this website.
While the curators at each repository will make
every effort to assist in reproduction needs, be aware that
the copying of original materials is at the discretion of
the curators. Some originals may not be copied due to fragility
and/or size. A list of reproduction services and fees is available
upon request from each repository.

The Gamble House
4 Westmoreland Place
Pasadena, CA 91103
Greene and Greene Archives
University of Southern California
The Huntington Library
1151 Oxford Rd.
San Marino, CA 91108
To order reproductions of the color photographs
of Gamble House interiors and furniture shown on this website
and marked GGUSC-Gamble-DA in the Item I.D. number contact:
Interfoto USA
Ogdan Borrisov
140 East Chestnut Ave.
Monrovia, CA 91016
To order reproductions of the color photographs
of furniture and objects displayed at the Huntington Library,
shown on this website and marked GGUSC and DA in the Item
I.D. number contact:
Interfoto USA
Ogdan Borrisov
140 East Chestnut Ave.
Monrovia, CA 91016
To order reproductions of archival items (marked GGUSC in the Item I.D.) contact:
Greene and Greene Archives
University of Southern California
Huntington Library
1151 Oxford Road
San Marino, CA 91108
Avery Architecture and Fine Arts Library
Columbia University in the City of New York
1172 Amsterdam Ave.
New York, NY 10027
Environmental Design Archives
University of California, Berkeley
230 Wurster Hall #1820
Berkeley, CA 94720-1820