Collection guides, also known as finding aids, are inventories, registers or indexes to collections held by archives, manuscript repositories, libraries, and museums. Collection guides are used to locate materials; they provide general descriptions of collections, how they are organized, where items are located and may include detailed descriptions of individual items.
A collection guide was created to describe the approximately 4000 images chosen for the Greene & Greene Virtual Archives (GGVA). The link to the GGVA collection guide and links to the participating repositories’ Greene & Greene collection guides are here:
GGVA collection guide at Online Archive of California: http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/kt5p30075x
Greene & Greene collection guide at Columbia University:
Charles Sumner Greene guide at University of California at Berkeley:
Greene & Greene collection guide at University of Southern California:
Other useful links:
The Gamble House: gamblehouse.org
Harwell Hamilton Harris papers 1906-1990,
Alexander Architectural Library, University of Texas at Austin: