Greene & Greene Virtual Archives
Pasadena Ice Company
Pasadena, California, 1901-02, 1906, 1911, 1914-1916
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Pasadena Ice Company
Pasadena, California
1901, 1902, 1906, 1911, 1914, 1916

In 1901, Henry and Charles Greene began what was to be a long relationship with the Pasadena Ice Company and their president, S. Hazard Halsted, and vice-president, Freeman Ford. The first jobs at the ice plant were to design an office, ice house, and stable on the west side of Broadway along the Santa Fe railroad on the south end of town. In 1906, another office was designed. Although the work was not glamorous, it paid the bills at a time when expenses for Henry’s growing family were on the rise. Most importantly, their work for the Pasadena Ice Company brought them additional work from company-related clients and with the private homes of Halsted and Ford themselves. In 1911, a brick addition for the ice and cold storage building for the company was commissioned. In 1914, alterations were made to icehouse condenser tower A, and in 1916, office alterations including a dumbwaiter were designed.