
William R. Thorsen House
Berkeley, California
This was the last of the elaborate wooden houses to be designed
by Greene and Greene. Mr. Thorsen was a lumberman, and Mrs. Thorsen
was the sister of Mrs. Blacker, the Greenes’ Pasadena
client of 1907. For the northern California climate the Greenes
designed a house with a more vertical orientation as compared
with the well-defined horizontality of their Pasadena houses.
The L-shaped plan of the Thorsen house was dictated by the shape
of its urban, corner lot and by the desire for a private and
sheltered garden space. Leaded art glass for the house was executed
by Emil Lange, who followed Charles Greene's design for a gnarled
grape vine in the front door and transom panels. The teak entry
hall leads first to the living room, which is paneled in mahogany,
lined with book cabinets, and furnished with a built-in desk.
A fireplace in mauve Greuby tile was fitted with a chased steel
fire screen designed by Charles Greene in 1914. The mahogany
dining room was the only space for which the Greenes were originally
commissioned to design furniture. Decorative inlay, depicting
a delicate periwinkle design, is carried out in abalone, oak,
and fruitwoods. The architects were called back to create additional
pieces, as well as alterations to the house, for many years
afterward. These included the aforementioned living room fire
screen, two additional fire screens, an inlaid table, several
case pieces, and the addition of a glass-walled sun porch on
the south end of the upper level. |