Greene & Greene Virtual Archives
The Greenes
Greene & Greene Virtual Archives
Participating Institutions
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Participating Institutions

The California Digital Library was founded in 1997 by University of California at Berkeley President Richard Atkinson, who called it "a library without walls." CDL staff and advisory groups are drawn from every UC campus, from affiliated research laboratories, and from the University of California Office of the President. The Library is built on the extensive base of UC knowledge and experience in developing and distributing digital materials. President Atkinson charged the CDL with continuing the selection, building, management, and preservation of the University's shared collections of digital resources and applying new technologies to enhance sharing of the University's physical collections. The California Digital Library’s Directory of Collections and Services gives library users access to a vast array of intellectual resources. (Due to license restrictions some resources are available only to UC faculty, students, and staff). The Greene & Greene Virtual Archives (GGVA) has been added to the Online Archive of California (OAC), which is maintained as part of the California Digital Library (CDL).

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