Greene & Greene Virtual Archives
Edith J. Claypole House
Pasadena, California, 1903
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Edith J. Claypole House
Pasadena, California

Dr. Edith J. Claypole, a physician who may have met the Greenes through her father’s membership at the Twilight Social Club, commissioned a small home with few luxuries. The oversized cobblestones supporting the corners of the house, a tiled front porch, and a subsidiary porch off the dining room with overhead trellis for climbing vines offered attractive details to the simple but thoughtful house plan. Since space was at a premium, the living room and dining room spaces for both day-to-day living and entertaining were designed to be contiguous but were separated by a pair of leaded French doors. A fireplace was built in the large living room and interior casement windows in the main bedroom allowed the warmed living air to circulate between the two rooms. The remaining windows used double-hung sashes. The Pasadena homeowner’s common interest in creeping vines was propagated with the addition of garden netting attached to the shed room over the entry porch. The house has been demolished.